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Play is the foundation of child development

Building A Better Community


The Center for the Importance of Play will help build a better community by helping parents understand the important role that play serves in the development of their children. 

The Importance of Play

The act of play binds all humanity and transcends all cultures and races.  It is through play that our children begin learning. This starts from the moment they are born and it remains an important part of our well-being no matter what age we are.


Modern Challenges
We all live in a new modern world. So many of our homes are occupied by busy families with working parents.  Sometimes our children have single or blended 
families.  All of these circumstances create challenges that can impact how our children play.  The Center for the Importance of Play intends to be a resource for modern families to make play an important part of our everyday lives.

Play impacts childhood develomet

​Latest project


The Center for the Importance of Play is hoping to open a permanent location where toys and dolls of the past can be displayed for the enjoyment of the public.


The location will also serve as a community center where educational programs for children and families can be held.

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